PLANE has commissioned BlueTree Group to map out the status of book supply chain management (BSCM) in Nigeria, identify its strengths and weaknesses in each of the phases and provide recommendations to build a durable and innovative supply chain in Nigeria.
During this analysis, BlueTree Group has identified all the important stakeholders within the publishing, printing and distribution of textbooks and supplementary reading books in Nigeria in general and the three states Kano, Jigawa and Kaduna.
Key stakeholders included publishers, printers, distributors, booksellers, government officials, NGO’s and stakeholders within the production of books for children with special needs, including authors and braille production centres. These stakeholders have been identified during desk research and have been interviewed during in-country visits.
During the implementation phase, BlueTree Group will provide technical advice on and conduct quality controls during the printing and production of textbooks and supplementary reading books in Nigeria.
The technical advice included workshops for local printer on sustainable printing methods related to paper, binding and book cover protection.
An analysis was made of the 2019 National Book Policy, by comparing the Nigerian policy to international best practices and policy advice by UNESCO and the ADEA. This analysis was discussed with over 60 governmental, non-governmental and private stakeholders in Abuja.