National Numeracy Programme – Malawi

Malawi Program to strengthen the teaching of primary school mathematics

The goal of the project is to improve the quality of mathematics education in Malawi, so more girls and boys successfully progress through and complete primary school with measurable improvements in their learning. In collaboration with Mott Macdonald and relevant partners, BlueTree contributes to the project by ensure a cost-effective and quality book development and procurement.


The curriculum and relevant textbooks are atomized in Malawi, and lead to a low learning achievement of mathematics. FCDO’s program to strengthen the teaching of primary school mathematics in Malawi, seeks to address this problem. This projects aim is to support the Government of Malawi with revision, production and distribution of new mathematics teaching and learning materials.


With support of BlueTree, Mott Macdonald ensures a cost-efficient and quality book development, procurement and delivery of these new materials.

BlueTree has conducted a Book Supply Chain assessment of all the stakeholders involved in the book supply chain of Malawi, these stakeholders included the Ministry of Education (MoEST), print supplier and distribution suppliers. A procurement plan for print and distribution has been developed, with input from the program staff as well as other stakeholders.

BlueTree has developed a procurement plan for print and distribution, which involved the construction of an RFQ for printers and distributors.


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